Jake was having one of those days when nothing seemed to go right. He woke up feeling under the weather, but he knew he had to bite the bullet and go to work. His boss had been breathing down his neck about a big report that was due that day. Jake didn’t want to let the cat out of the bag that he was behind schedule.
As he rushed out the door, it was raining cats and dogs. “Just my luck,” he muttered, realizing he’d forgotten his umbrella. By the time he reached the office, he looked like he’d been through the wringer.
His coworker, Sarah, took one look at him and said, “Rough morning, huh? Don’t worry, we’ll get this project done. It’s not rocket science.”
Jake appreciated her optimism, but he knew they’d have to cut corners to finish on time.
As they worked, Sarah kept trying to pull his leg with terrible jokes, hoping to lighten his mood.
Around lunchtime, their boss stormed in. ” Stop beating around the bush. I need this report done by the end of the day!”
Jake and Sarah didn’t say a word. They both knew they were in hot water.
“We really need to get our act together,” said Jake.
“I have an idea!” exclaimed Sarah.
“Let’s piggyback on the research our team has done, and organize their findings. That way we’ll finish the report and prepare for our team presentation on Friday. We’ll kill two birds with one stone. “
“That’s a great idea!” exclaimed Jake.
Sarah and Jake finished the report just before the end of the day.
Their boss was over the moon.
“You really hit the nail on the head with this one. I knew you two would pull it off,” he beamed.
“Thanks for having my back today. I owe you one.” said Jake to Sarah.
Jake was so happy, he felt like he was on cloud nine.Today proved that if you hang in there, things have a way of falling into place.
Story with Russian Translation
From Hot Water to Cloud Nine | Из горячей воды на седьмое небо |
Jake was having one of those days when nothing seemed to go right. | У Джейка был один из тех дней, когда, казалось, ничто не идет как надо. |
He woke up feeling under the weather,… | Он проснулся, чувствуя себя неважно,… |
…but he knew he had to bite the bullet and go to work. | …но он знал, что он должен взять себя в руки и идти на работу. |
His boss had been breathing down his neck about a big report that was due that day. | Его босс дышал ему в затылок по поводу большого отчета, который нужно было сдать в этот день. |
Jake didn’t want to let the cat out of the bag that he was behind schedule. | Джейк не хотел раскрывать карты, что он отстает от графика. |
As he rushed out the door, it was raining cats and dogs. | Когда он выбежал из дома, на улице лило как из ведра. |
“Just my luck,” he muttered, realizing he’d forgotten his umbrella. | “Вот не повезло,” пробормотал он, понимая, что он забыл зонт. |
By the time he reached the office, he looked like he’d been through the wringer. | К тому времени, как он добрался до офиса, он выглядел как выжатый лимон. |
His coworker, Sarah, took one look at him and said | Его коллега, Сара, взглянула на него и сказала. |
“Rough morning, huh?” | “Тяжелое утро, да?” |
“Don’t worry, we’ll get this project done.” | “Не переживай, мы закончим этот проект.” |
“It’s not rocket science.” | “Это не высшая математика.” |
Jake appreciated her optimism,… | Джейк оценил ее оптимизм,… |
…but he knew they’d have to cut corners to finish on time. | …но он знал, что им придется срезать углы, чтобы закончить вовремя. |
As they worked, Sarah kept trying to pull his leg with terrible jokes,… | Пока они работали, Сара постоянно пыталась поддеть его ужасными шутками,… |
…hoping to lighten his mood. | …надеясь разрядить его настроение. |
Around lunchtime, their boss stormed in. | Около обеденного перерыва к ним ворвался босс. |
“Stop beating around the bush.” | “Хватит ходить вокруг да около.” |
“I need this report done by the end of the day!” | “Мне нужно, чтобы этот отчет был готов к концу дня!” |
Jake and Sarah didn’t say a word. | Джейк и Сара не сказали ни слова. |
They both knew they were in hot water. | Они оба знали, что попали в беду. |
“We really need to get our act together,” said Jake. | “Нам действительно нужно взять себя в руки”, – сказал Джейк. |
“I have an idea!” exclaimed Sarah. | “У меня есть идея!” – воскликнула Сара. |
“Let’s piggyback on the research our team has done,… | “Давай воспользуемся исследованиями, которые сделала наша команда,… |
…and organize their findings.” | …и организуем их результаты исследования.” |
“That way we’ll finish the report… | “Так мы закончим отчет… |
…and prepare for our team presentation on Friday.” | …и подготовимся к презентации для нашей команды в пятницу”. |
“We’ll kill two birds with one stone.” | “Мы убьем двух зайцев одним выстрелом”. |
“That’s a great idea!” exclaimed Jake. | “Отличная идея!” – воскликнул Джейк. |
Sarah and Jake finished the report just before the end of the day. | Сара и Джейк закончили отчет прямо перед концом рабочего дня. |
Their boss was over the moon. | Их начальник был на седьмом небе от счастья. |
“You really hit the nail on the head with this one. | “Вы действительно попали в точку с этим отчетом. |
“I knew you two would pull it off,” he beamed. | Я знал, что вы двое справитесь с этим”, – просиял он. |
“Thanks for having my back today.” | “Спасибо, что поддержала меня сегодня.” |
“I owe you one.” said Jake to Sarah. | “Я в долгу перед тобой,” сказал Джейк Саре. |
Jake was so happy, he felt like he was on cloud nine. | Джейк был так счастлив, что чувствовал себя на седьмом небе. |
Today proved that if you hang in there,… | Сегодняшний день доказал, что если ты держишься и не сдаешься,… |
…things have a way of falling into place. | …вещи сами собой станут на свои места. |