An American businessman was on vacation in Mexico.
Every day he was on the beach.
He couldn’t help but notice the routine of a local fisherman.
Every morning the fisherman went out in his small boat to catch fish. He would fish for a couple of hours and then return home with some fish. He would bring fish home and give it to his wife to cook for lunch. Also he would give some fish to his neighbors.
The businessman noticed that in the afternoon the fisherman didn’t work. Instead, he spent time with his family, played the guitar, and enjoyed the company of his friends and neighbors.
One day, the businessman approached the fisherman and said:
“Listen friend, I noticed that you have a lot of free time.”
“Why don’t you stay out longer and catch more fish?”
The fisherman replied:
“I catch enough to support my family, and a little more to share with friends.”
The businessman shook his head.
“I had great success building many businesses back home,” said the businessman.
“I can teach you how to become rich.”
The fisherman looked at the businessman with curiosity.
“First, you have to spend more time fishing so you can catch more fish,” started the businessman.
“Ok, that would be easy to do,” said the fisherman.
The businessman nodded in agreement.
“You can then sell the extra fish and buy a bigger boat,” continued the businessman.
“What for?” asked the fisherman, very politely.
“With a bigger boat, you’ll catch even more fish,” said the businessman.
“Soon you’ll be able to buy another boat, hire people, and build a big business.”
The businessman was very excited.
“Once your business is big enough, you can sell it and make a lot of money,” he said.
“That sounds great!” said the fisherman.
“And what then?”
“Then, you can retire, spend time with your family, play the guitar, and enjoy life with your friends,” said the businessman.
The fisherman smiled and said, “Isn’t that what I am doing right now?”
Story with Russian Translation
Secret to Happy Life | Секрет счастливой жизни |
An American businessman was on vacation in Mexico. | Один американский бизнесмен был в отпуске в Мексике. |
Every day he was on the beach. | Каждый день он был на пляже. |
He couldn’t help but notice the routine of a local fisherman. | Он не мог не заметить распорядок дня местного рыбака. |
Every morning the fisherman went out in his small boat to catch fish. | Каждое утро рыбак отправлялся на своей небольшой лодке ловить рыбу. |
He would fish for a couple of hours and then return home with some fish. | Он рыбачил пару часов, а потом возвращался домой с рыбой. |
He would bring fish home and give it to his wife to cook for lunch. | Он приносил рыбу домой и отдавал ее своей жене, чтобы она приготовила обед. |
Also he would give some fish to his neighbors. | Также он отдавал немного рыбы своим соседям. |
The businessman noticed that in the afternoon the fisherman didn’t work. | Бизнесмен заметил, что после обеда рыбак не работал. |
Instead, he spent time with his family, played the guitar, and enjoyed the company of his friends and neighbors. | Вместо этого он проводил время с семьей, играл на гитаре и наслаждался обществом своих друзей и соседей. |
One day, the businessman approached the fisherman and said: | Однажды бизнесмен подошел к рыбаку и сказал: |
“Listen friend, I noticed that you have a lot of free time.” | Послушай, друг, я заметил, что у тебя много свободного времени. |
“Why don’t you stay out longer and catch more fish?” | Почему бы тебе не оставаться на рыбалке подольше и не поймать больше рыбы? |
The fisherman replied: | Рыбак ответил: |
“I catch enough to support my family, and a little more to share with friends.” | Я ловлю достаточно, чтобы прокормить семью, и еще немного, чтобы поделиться с друзьями. |
The businessman shook his head. | Бизнесмен покачал головой. |
“I had great success building many businesses back home,” said the businessman. | Я добился большого успеха, построив множество бизнесов у себя дома, – сказал бизнесмен. |
“I can teach you how to become rich.” | Я могу научить тебя, как стать богатым. |
The fisherman looked at the businessman with curiosity. | Рыбак посмотрел на бизнесмена с любопытством. |
“First, you have to spend more time fishing so you can catch more fish,” started the businessman. | Во-первых, ты должен проводить больше времени на рыбалке, чтобы поймать больше рыбы, – начал бизнесмен. |
“Ok, that would be easy to do,” said the fisherman. | Хорошо, это будет легко сделать, – сказал рыбак. |
The businessman nodded in agreement. | Бизнесмен кивнул в знак согласия. |
“You can then sell the extra fish and buy a bigger boat,” continued the businessman. | Затем ты сможешь продавать лишнюю рыбу и купить лодку побольше, – продолжил бизнесмен. |
“What for?” asked the fisherman, very politely. | Зачем? – очень вежливо спросил рыбак. |
“With a bigger boat, you’ll catch even more fish,” said the businessman. | С большей лодкой ты поймаешь еще больше рыбы, – ответил бизнесмен. |
“Soon you’ll be able to buy another boat, hire people, and build a big business.” | Скоро ты сможешь купить еще одну лодку, нанять людей и построить большой бизнес. |
The businessman was very excited. | Бизнесмен был очень взволнован. |
“Once your business is big enough, you can sell it and make a lot of money,” he said. | Когда твой бизнес станет достаточно большим, ты сможешь продать его и заработать много денег, – сказал он. |
“That sounds great!” said the fisherman. | Звучит здорово! – сказал рыбак. |
“And what then?” | А что потом? |
“Then, you can retire, spend time with your family, play the guitar, and enjoy life with your friends,” said the businessman. | Потом ты сможешь уйти на пенсию, проводить время с семьей, играть на гитаре и наслаждаться жизнью с друзьями, – сказал бизнесмен. |
The fisherman smiled and said, “Isn’t that what I am doing right now?” | Рыбак улыбнулся и сказал: “Разве это не то, чем я занимаюсь сейчас?” |