Short Stories about Kate

Enjoy these 3 very short stories about Kate, a student living in Canada who is studying to become a nurse.

These stories contains useful vocabulary and phrases. Take note of them, and use them in your speaking and writing.

Meet Kate

Hi, I am Kate! It’s nice to meet you!

I believe you’ve met my father, Peter. He is a software-engineer, and now he lives in the USA.

I live in Canada. This is where I grew up.

I was born in Kyiv, Ukraine. My parents moved to Canada when I was very little.

I think my dad told you that I am studying to become a nurse. That’s true. I am in my last year of college. I can’t wait to graduate and start working.

My Career

Many people ask me why I decided to become a nurse.

I don’t like to sit in front of a computer all day like my dad. And I don’t want to become a teacher. My mom is a teacher in high-school, you know.

I like being with people, and I like helping people.

I actually dreamt of becoming a doctor. But you have to study for many many years to become one. And it is also very expensive.

It is much easier to become a nurse. The work is very interesting, and the pay is decent.

Once I start working, I’ll see how it goes.
I might go back to school to become a doctor.

My free time

I think my dad told you how he spends his free time… renovating the house. That’s kind of boring. I prefer to do fun things, like going out with my friends.

I live in a dorm with my best friend, Sandy. We spend a lot of time together. We study together, we go shopping together.

We also cook together. It is a lot of fun. Our food doesn’t always turn out good, but we enjoy it anyway.

We try to exercise a couple times a week. It is not easy because our studies keep us very busy.

Perhaps once I start working I will have a little more free time.

Stories with Russian Translation

Meet KateПознакомьтесь c Кейт
Hi, I am Kate!Привет, я Кейт!
It’s nice to meet you!Приятно познакомиться с вами!
I believe you’ve met my father, Peter.Думаю, Вы уже знакомы с моим отцом, Питером.
He is a software-engineer, and now he lives in the USA.Он инженер-программист и сейчас живет в США.
I live in Canada.Я живу в Канаде.
This is where I grew up.Я здесь выросла.
I was born in Kyiv, Ukraine.Я родилась в Киеве.
My parents moved to Canada when I was very little.Родители переехали в Канаду, когда я была совсем маленькой.
I think my dad told you that I am studying to become a nurse.Думаю, папа рассказывал вам, что я учусь на медсестру.
That’s true.Это правда.
I am in my last year of college.Я учусь на последнем курсе колледжа.
I can’t wait to graduate and start working.Не могу дождаться, когда закончу колледж и начну работать.
My CareerМоя карьера
Many people ask me why I decided to become a nurse.Многие спрашивают меня, почему я решила стать медсестрой.
I don’t like to sit in front of a computer all day like my dad.Мне не нравится сидеть целый день за компьютером как моей отец.
And I don’t want to become a teacher.И я не хочу быть учителем.
My mom is a teacher in high-school, you know.Моя мама ведь учитель старших классов в школе.
I like being with people, and I like helping people.Мне нравится быть с людьми, и мне нравится помогать людям.
I actually dreamt of becoming a doctor.Я вообще мечтала стать врачом.
But you have to study for many many years to become one.Но чтобы стать врачом, нужно учиться много много лет.
And it is also very expensive.К тому же это очень дорого.
It is much easier to become a nurse.Гораздо проще стать медсестрой.
The work is very interesting, and the pay is decent.Работа очень интересная, да и платят прилично.
Once I start working, I’ll see how it goes.Как только начну работать, посмотрю, как все сложится.
I might go back to school to become a doctor.Возможно, я опять пойду учиться, чтобы стать врачом.
My free timeМое свободное время
I think my dad told you how he spends his free time… renovating the house.Я думаю, что мой папа рассказал вам, как он проводит свободное время… ремонтируя дом.
That’s kind of boring.Это скучновато.
I prefer to do fun things, like going out with my friends.Я предпочитаю заниматься веселыми делами, например, гулять с друзьями.
I live in a dorm with my best friend, Sandy.Я живу в общежитии со своей лучшей подругой Сэнди.
We spend a lot of time together.Мы проводим много времени вместе.
We study together, we go shopping together.Мы вместе учимся, вместе ходим по магазинам.
We also cook together.Мы также вместе готовим.
It is a lot of fun.Это очень весело.
Our food doesn’t always turn out good, but we enjoy it anyway.Еда не всегда получается вкусной, но нам все равно нравится.
We try to exercise a couple times a week.Пару раз в неделю мы стараемся заниматься спортом.
It is not easy because our studies keep us very busy.Это нелегко, потому что учеба отнимает у нас много времени.
Perhaps once I start working I will have a little more free time.Возможно, когда я начну работать, у меня появится немного больше свободного времени.

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